Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 177

Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 177 – The three of them discussed briefly before agreeing to invite Sonya and her
husband to dinner at The Waterfront that night. When Sonya and Elias arrived, Aubreeā€™s family was already waiting in the private room.

Aubree hung her head low, seemingly despondent, while her parents wore grim expressions. When they walked into the room, Aubree lifted her head and forced out a smile. ā€œHello, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell.ā€ Her smile slipped soon after as though she was nursing a grievance.

Sonya was puzzled. ā€œAubree, whatā€™s the matter? Did someone bully you? Tell me about it.ā€ Ginaā€™s voice rang out. ā€œSheā€™s upset because of the rumors circulating outside. People are accusing Aubree of being a gold-digger, so sheā€™s been crying for the past few days.ā€

Aubree immediately refuted, ā€œNo, I know Lucian doesnā€™t mean it. Iā€™ve heard of the rumors, but I didnā€™t take them to heartā€¦ā€ She trailed off as her eyes turned red. Gina shot her a resigned and worried look. ā€œYouā€™ve remained by Lucianā€™s side these few years, so we know your feelings.

But the outsiders have no idea. If Lucianā€¦ā€ She paused and lowered her voice, ā€œIf Lucian loves you, he wonā€™t allow you
to suffer. He can ignore your plight, but I canā€™t! Listen to me. Itā€™s time to break up with him.ā€

Sonya and Elias heard their exchange clearly. Sonyaā€™s brows snapped together as she demanded, ā€œWhatā€™s going on? Is it about the rumor? Iā€™ll deal with the rumor right away!ā€ Gina let out a bitter chuckle and raised her head. ā€œHow are you going to handle the matter?

Everyone in Harington knows about it. They claim that Aubree and Lucianā€™s engagement is only Aubreeā€™s wishful thinking. Lucian
doesnā€™t have any intention of marrying her. They also claim that our family depended on your family to climb up the ranks.

Now that Lucian has a new lover, and their engagement hasnā€™t been announced, they are saying that Aubree is holding Lucian back.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s utter nonsense!ā€ Sonyaā€™s face darkened. Ginaā€™s lips twitched. ā€œTheyā€™re right.

For the past few years, it was Aubree who remained by Lucianā€™s side. Weā€™re the only ones who know about the
engagement. Weā€™ve received a lot from Lucian. As he isnā€™t interested in Aubree, we shouldnā€™t hold him back.ā€

She shot her daughter a distressed look. ā€œAubree stillā€¦ Well, Iā€™ve advised her for a couple of days, but she couldnā€™t bring herself to break up with him.
As her mother, it breaks my heart to see people gossiping about her. Itā€™s better to just get the pain over with, rather than prolong the agony.

Iā€™ll decide on behalf of her today to break cif their engagement.ā€ Aubree hung her head low and trembled slightly.
No one could see her expression, but it was pretty obvious that she was devastated.

Sonya had no idea they would suddenly ask to break off the engagement. Her expression changed drastically as she declared, ā€œImpossible! Lucian and
Aubree have been engaged for years. How could we call off the engagement just like that?ā€

ā€œThis is the only way to quell the rumors,ā€ Gina explained bitterly. ā€œDonā€™t worry. Iā€™ll tell Aubree to forget him so she could find her own happiness.ā€
Silence ensued. A moment later, Sonya said icily, ā€œThereā€™s another solution.ā€

Before Gina could say anything, Sonya took her bag and rose to her feet. ā€œAubree is the only daughter-in-law Iā€™ll acknowledge. Donā€™t worry. Iā€™ll handle
the matter personally!ā€ With that said, she spun on her heels and strode away without looking back.

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