Married at First Sight Gu Lingfei Chapter 322

Married at First Sight Novel Serenity And Zachary

Married at First Sight Gu Lingfei Chapter 322 – Then, Hank said to his mother, “Mom, go shopping with Chelsea. If you see
anything you like, just buy it.”

He took out his phone and transferred five thousand to his mother for her shopping spree. “Okay. I’ll shop with your sister later and buy some new clothes. Hurry back to work and remember to come home early afterward.”

Olivia sent her son out and winked at him to remind him to buy some gifts for Liberty when he got off work. Liberty pushed the stroller over
and placed her son into it before saying faintly, “I’ll take Sonny downstairs for a stroll.” “Go ahead,” said Olivia, smiling lovingly.

Liberty immediately put her guard up. ‘If my mother–in–law is acting like that, she must be planning something against me.
More accurately, my mother–in–law and sister–in–law are trying to trouble me again, right? ‘No matter what they ask, I won’t agree.‘

With that thought, Liberty could not be bothered to deal with them anymore and pushed the stroller out of the house.
On the other hand, Serenity finished working and had dinner. Jasmine went home first,

so Serenity packed up the crafts she had done and called the courier company to come and collect them. After shipping out all the crafts scheduled for today, she closed up the shop early tonight before it was eleven o’clock. Zachary sent her the evidence of Hank’s infidelity at noon,

which helped the sisters a lot. Serenity felt that she had to thank him again, so she decided to buy two new shirts for him.
This time, she intended to buy him two designer suits. With a handsome face like his,

wearing designer suits would make him even more dashing. When her husband received praises for being handsome, as his wife, it would
naturally make her look good as well. Serenity closed the store and drove off.

As she arrived at a clothing store of a well–known brand, she found a spot to park and sent a message to Zachary while getting out of the car.
Zachary was still discussing business with clients at Wiltspoon Hotel when he received the message from Serenity.

His expression did not change, but if one paid attention, one would notice that his lips curled up when he read the message.
His mood was obviously much happier. Serenity: [I’ll give you a new present tonight.] What present would she prepare for him?

Zachary was looking forward to it. It was easy to buy clothes for Zachary since she knew his size. She just had to choose clothes that were black in color.
Soon, Serenity came out of the shop with several bags in her hands. Just as she was leaving, she unexpectedly saw her mother–in–law, Tania.

Tania was walking and talking with her friend. Perhaps she felt Serenity’s gaze on her, so she turned to look at Serenity. Serenity smiled and went forward to greet her mother–in–law.However, the moment she opened her mouth,

Tania already took her friend’s hand and walked away before Serenity could call out to her. Tania did not look at Serenity and acted as if she did not know the latter at all. Serenity’s words were stuck in her throat. She stood at where she was while watching her mother–in–law walk away.

When Tania’s friend turned around for a double take, Serenity quickly pretended to look somewhere else before lifting her feet and walked
away. “Tania, was that girl we saw earlier smiling at us? Do you know her?”

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