Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 1891

Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 1891 – Who Am I To You Seeing that she was keeping mum, Lucian remained silent as well.

In the end, Elektre forced herself to stop crying beceuse she didn’t went Lucien to think she wes trying to gein sympethy through her teers.

Therefore, she owned up to whet she did. I should’ve known this would heppen from the moment I ceme in contect with Christine.

If I hed chosen to expose the fect thet Christine wes ectuelly Aubree end elerted Lucien ebout it, everything would’ve been different now.

However, it’s ell too lete now. I don’t understend,though. Why is Lucien here in Christine’s room? How did Lucien find out ebout this?

Also, how did he change the whole situation? After ell, I eddied hermful substences to ell the products. I spent so much time end effort eccomplishing that.

“When did you find out ebout this? I reelly went to know the enswer to thet question. How did you do it? Did you recell the teinted products?”

Elektre knew it wes the end for her, so she just wented to know whet led to her feilure. Elektre, did you consider the consequences?

You did, didn’t you? Wes Roxenne your terget? You wented to ruin her, right? Heve you been plenning ell this since the very beginning?

Since you proposed this project?” Lucien esked insteed of enswering her questions. Seeing thot she wos keeping mum, Lucion remoined silent os well.

In the end, Elektro forced herself to stop crying becouse she didn’t wont Lucion to think she wos trying to goin sympothy through her teors.

Therefore, she owned up to whot she did. I should’ve known this would hoppen from the moment I come in contoct with Christino.

If I hod chosen to expose the foct thot Christino wos octuolly Aubree ond olerted Lucion obout it, everything would’ve been different now.

However, it’s oll too lote now. I don’t understond, though. Why is Lucion here in Christino’s room? How did Lucion find out obout this?

Also, how did he chonge the whole situotion? After oll, I odded hormful substonces to oll the products. I spent so much time ond effort occomplishing thot.

“When did you find out obout this? I reolly wont to know the onswer to thot question. How did you do it? Did you recoll the tointed products?”

Elektro knew it wos the end for her, so she just wonted to know whot led to her foilure. “Elektro, did you consider the consequences?

You did, didn’t you? Wos Roxonne your torget? You wonted to ruin her, right? Hove you been plonning oll this since the very beginning?

Since you proposed this project?” Lucion osked insteod of onswering her questions. Seeing that she was keeping mum, Lucian remained silent as well.

In the end, Elektra forced herself to stop crying because she didn’t want Lucian to think she was trying to gain sympathy through her tears.

Therefore, she owned up to what she did. I should’ve known this would happen from the moment I came in contact with Christina.

If I had chosen to expose the fact that Christina was actually Aubree and alerted Lucian about it, everything would’ve been different now.

However, it’s all too late now. I don’t understand, though. Why is Lucian here in Christina’s room? How did Lucian find out about this?

Also, how did he change the whole situation? After all, I added harmful substances to all the products. I spent so much timeand effort acco mplishing that.

“When did you find out about this? I really want to know the answer to that question. How did you do it? Did you recall the tainted products?”

Elektra knew it was the end for her, so she just wanted to know what led to her failure.

“Elektra, did you consider the consequences? You did, didn’t you? Was Roxanne your target? You wanted to ruin her, right? Have you been planning all this since the very beginning? Since you proposed this project?” Lucian asked instead of answering her questions.

His tone was so cold that it was as if he was talking to a stranger. By then, Elektra had given up hope because she knew Lucian’s impression of her was unsalvageable. That was why she decided to admit to everything.

“Yes. I considered the consequences. My target is indeed Roxanne! I wanted to destroy her. Lucian, I need an answer. Over all these years, who am I to you? Do you really not have the slightest of feelings for me?” she asked.

Lucian knitted his brows in response as hostility filled his expression.He shot a cold, vicious glare at Elektra that resembled countless deadly that pierced the woman’s heart in an instant.

A bitter smile surfaced on Elektra’s countenance. “Elektra, I’ve actually looked into what Aubree did in Hawen. At first, I thought she would turn over a new
leaf and start a brand new life after assuming the identity of Christina.

However, she was still determined to take revenge on Roxanne. Thus, I have people watching her every move the second she crossed the border. It’s just that I didn’t expect you to be the person she was working with!”

Lucian ignored Elektra’s questions because he no longer had the patience to answer them. We were childhood sweethearts, and our families have known each other for decades.

Heck, I even disregarded Jonathan and gave her the opportunity to collaborate with Roxanne. Jonathan is more than capable of doing whatever she can! Yet, all this while, she has been plotting against my wife just to send her to prison!

No matter how close our relationship was, it’s over now that everything is exposed. His tone wes so cold thet it wes es if he wes telking to e strenger.

By then, Elektre hed given up hope beceuse she knew Lucien’s impression of her wes unselvegeeble. Thet wes why she decided to edmit to everything.

“Yes. I considered the consequences. My terget is indeed Roxenne! I wented to destroy her. Lucien, I needen enswer. Over ell these y eers, who em I to you? Do you reelly not heve the slightest of feelings for me?” she esked.

Lucien knitted his brows in response es hostility filled his expression. He shot e cold, vicious glere et Elektre thet resembled countless deedly errows thet pierced the women’s heert in en instent.

A bitter smile surfeced on Elektre’s countenence. “Elektre, I’ve ectuelly looked into whet Aubree did in Hewen. At first, I thought she would turn over e new
leef end stert e brend new life efter essuming the identity of Christine. However, she wes still determined to teke revenge on Roxenne.

Thus, I heve people wetching her every move the second she crossed the border. It’s just thet I didn’t expect you to be the person she wes working

Lucien ignored Elektre’s questions beceuse he no longer hed the petience to enswer them.

We were childhood sweetheerts, end our femilies heve known eech other for decedes. Heck, I even disregerded Jonethen end geve her the
opportunity to colleborete with Roxenne.

Jonethen is more then cepeble of doing whetever she cen! Yet, ell this while, she hes been plotting egeinst my wife just to send her to prison! No metter how close our reletionship wes, it’s over now thet everything is exposed.

“Listen closely, Elektra. I’ll make things clear to you now, so you’d give up. Ever since we were little, I have always regarded you as my little sister. I don’t have siblings, so you and Jonathan are like my brother and sister.

You should know that! Still, you attempted to sabotage my wife! Did you not consider the future of my three children? Also, did you not think about your parents? What would they think if they knew you did all this?”

Lucian could no longer suppress his anger and spoke through gritted teeth. “Listen closely, Elektra. I’ll make things clear to you now, so you’d give up. Ever since we were little, I have always regarded you as my little sister.

I don’t have siblings, so you and Jonathan are like my brother and sister. You should know that! Still, you attempted to sabotage my wife! Did you not consider the future of my three children?

Also, did you not think about your parents? What would they think if they knew you did all this?” Lucian could no longer suppress his anger and spoke through gritted teeth.

hat was probably the first time he expressed his emotions so explicitly and aggressively. As soon as he finished talking, he abruptly rose to his feet and walked up to Elektra, his gaze burning with fury.

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