Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 1439

Mission To Remarry Novel Chapter 1439 – Madilyn’s eyes went wide when she saw the announcement made by Farwell Group.

What happened during the few days that I was away? Does Lucian know about Archie and Benny’s true identities?

After taking a look at her phone and the journalists crowded in front of her, she began to understand why the journalists had gotten so worked up.

There are two new members in the Farwell family all of a sudden, so I can see why these journalists are freaking out. Honestly, even I’m a little shocked myself!

Whatever tiredness Madilyn had was completely gone at that point. With a frown on her face, she quickly gave Roxanne a call.

However, all she heard was a robotic voice that said, “The number you have dialed is currently busy. Please try again later.”

She tried calling a few more times, but the outcome was the same. Eventually, Madilyn put the phone aside in frustration and walked up to the crowd.

She wanted to squeeze past the journalists and confront Roxanne about the situation, but she was no match for the journalists at all.

After a few failed attempts that resulted in her nearly being stepped on, Madilyn gave up and returned to the car.

I may not be able to see Roxanne right now, but I should at least be able to see Lucian. The fate of my godsons and my bestie are at stake here, so I absolutely need to get some answers!

With that in mind, Madilyn floored the accelerator and sped away from the mansion gate.

She got even angrier when she arrived at Farwell Group and saw no journalists outside the building.

Farwell Group was the one who made that announcement, so shouldn’t the journalists be coming after Lucian for answers instead?

Why are they swarming Roxanne and her kids? Are journalists these days cowardly pieces of trash who pick on the weak and fear the strong?

Madilyn was fuming when she stormed through the office building’s entrance.

She was about to go upstairs when the receptionist at the front desk stopped her. “I’m sorry, but you will need to wait here if you don’t have an appointment.”

The receptionist had a conflicted look on her face when she found out that Madilyn was here to see Lucian.

It took Madilyn every ounce of willpower she had to keep herself from lashing out on the spot.

After taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she asked, “It was Farwell Group that made that announcement online, right?

You know who Roxanne Jarvis is, don’t you? Well, I’m her best friend, and I’m here to speak to her ex-husband!

Why would you need me to make an appointment for that?” The receptionist had nothing to say in response, but she didn’t dare let Madilyn upstairs either.

Tension was starting to rise between them as they continued staring each other down.

Eventually, Cayden showed up and helped get the receptionist out of that awkward situation.

Madilyn had seen Lucian’s assistant before, so she was able to recognize him instantly. “Cayden!”

As Cayden was acting upon Lucian’s orders to help Roxanne out at the time, all he did was pause in his tracks to glance at Madilyn.

Huh? Who is this woman? She looks kind of familiar… Madilyn then ran up to him, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him toward the elevator.

“Take me to Lucian right now!” Cayden was still trying to recall who Madilyn was, so her actions caught him completely off guard.

By the time he snapped out of his dazed state, the elevator was already on its way up.

Having recalled that Madilyn was Roxanne’s best friend, Cayden asked politely, “May I know the reason you would like to see Mr. Farwell, Ms. Xander?”

“To confront him about what happened to Roxanne, duh! Why else would I even want to see him?”

Madilyn replied angrily as she stormed out of the elevator. Not only did that scumbag hurt Roxanne badly in the past, but he also has the audacity to pester her after she returned from overseas!

Cayden was so intimidated by her that he simply kept quiet and followed behind her as she walked up to Lucian’s office.

Madilyn opened the door and barged right in without even knocking.

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